
Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Room 8's Gravity Experiment

Gravity Experiment

Yesterday we conducted a gravity experiment to see which items would hit the ground first.

This were the items we needed:
  • Ping Pong Ball x1
  • Pin x1
  • Paper x1 (A4)
  • Feather x1
  • Marble x1
  • Pencil x1
  • Rubber x1

This was the table we made as part of our investigation. First we had to guess/estimate which we thought would hit the ground first. Afterwards we had to test which objects would hit the ground first, we had to look at the table to see what object we were going to drop and what was going to compete against it. Once we had dropped the objects at least three times we wrote down which hit the ground first in most occassions. We did this until we have dropped every object that was on the table

Object Dropped

Which hit the ground first?
Which actually hit the ground first?
Ping pong ball
Paper Clip
Same time
Flat Paper
Crumbled Paper
crumbled paper
crumbled paper
Paper Clip
paper clip
paper clip

This is what we would’ve looked like:

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

I Know What It Was

I Know What It Was

They said it was just
an owl in the tree
but they didn’t
fool me!
I saw teeth
not a beak,
red eyes
not gold,
I won’t be told
it was only fluff and feathers
round its throat;
it was a collar
an those weren’t wings
but silky folds
of a black, black cloak

That was no
Too - wit, too woo
I heard
it was
I’ll get you - ou!
Patricia Leighton

Monday, 7 October 2013

Chemical Mixtures

Ko te Rahina 16 o te Mahuru o tenei ra

WALHT: Observe and report on the chemical reaction that occur when combining substances together.

Experiment - Mix carbonates and bases to acids and record the reaction that follows

Lemon Juice - Citric Acid
We predicted that the colour would change or lose it’s original colour
The lemon juice colour faded after being mixed into the citric acid which then after solidified.
Raro - Vinegar
We predicted that the vinegar’s colour would over power the Raro’s distinct orange colour.
The reaction turned the vinegar into orange coloured liquid
Vinegar - Tartaric Acid
We predicted that the vinegar would turn the tartaric acid into a black liquid like it’s original colour black.
It looked like coke and solidified.
Baking Soda - Vinegar
We didn’t really predict because we have done this many times.
It rose and foamed up due to the chemical reaction.