Warning: Before you read this story you must understand even though I’m telling you this story it doesn’t mean I survived...
It was a bright December morning a day before Christmas, (24th December) everyone was so psyched because we were going on a road trip to our Grandpa’s old house that he passed on to me before he died.
Once we packed all our essentials, we hit the road early in the morning. We went early because we wanted to check out its surroundings before we settled in. Just before 3 hours had past, we arrived and I had already spotted some moss on the exterior of the house and decided to renovate it. A couple of hours later, we finished cleaning and renovating the exterior. My wife made us a well deserved pink lemonade when suddenly we heard the television declaring an outbreak of the X7 Monkey Virus.
John (My brother) said that the virus could turn us into human eating cannibals and so we started panicking. Then I realised we were 50 miles from the nearest contaminated area. That meant my family had enough time to escape to the nearest country or state.
After my family calmed down we started packing just in case it got bigger. I went out to the woods to catch our dinner when suddenly I heard a horrible screech coming from the cabin. I was running, running and running until I reached the cabin and I saw it was just a big rat that frightened my wife. After a while I decided to go back and hunt for my family’s dinner. Not long after I entered I heard another screeched,this time it stopped for a while and started again as if there was a struggle. I ran back to the cabin but this time It wasn’t my family anymore. My family had mutated into human eating cannibals. My life was in danger as I was cornered by zombies.It was a scene that I never thought would happen to me, it was wrong I didn’t want this . I fought back and thats when I saw my hatchet I suddenly hacked my way through the zombies decapitating all of their heads and (hopefully) killing them.
My car keys were in the cabin but the risk was too hefty and I was too agitated to go in and grab it because there might be some more of those bloody zombies. My only option was to hotwire my car and hope they don’t get attracted by the noise. I hopped in and hotwired it I then spotted a bunch of headless zombies on my side mirror so I stepped on the pedal and off I went with my heart still beating and inside me. In addition to my problem I had nowhere to go,limited supplies and only an extra 35 litres in addition to my full tank, I had to find more survivors .
Not before long I parked alongside these abandoned looking cars to see if I could get some fuel from them, just as I touched the fuel cap I was pinned down by heavy fire when I realised this was my chance to live. After the shooting calmed to a draw I shouted out to them that I wasn’t a zombie then they took me in. I gave a distinct sigh of relief despite the men looking a bit monotonous I was glad to be with other humans because I wouldn’t last an hour running from those human eating cannibals.
In the morning I woke to the smell of bacon and eggs, fatigued by the horrific incident including my life and my once called family I couldn’t be bothered to get my almost lifeless body out of bed. I decided to stay for a couple of minutes when my pals called me out to the kitchen to eat what Brockwin made us for breakfast. His meal was really appetizing and with that out of the way it was time to go to the couch and watch some television. After a few minutes of watching tv I overheard something from the 3rd room. According to the groups leader we were going to head to the Strike Ops old prison that was where the special hunters are camping so we were going to join them.
Having decided to take immediate action we started packing our stuff and after half an hour the only things left in the house was the oven, tv and the grandfather clock. A few hours into driving we stopped by a dairy and got our guns and weapons ready then we moved out like a coordinated special ops team we then fired a shot to attract the zombies. A bundle of zombies came out and our best swordsman macheted his way through the zombies until this big zombie came running out. We then opened fire at it until I blew his head off with my shotgun.
We decided to make camp 10 miles away as it was getting dark, that was where zombies were at their best because they can smell us and it is a surprise attack manoeuvre that we couldn’t counter, unless we used our flashlights.The only problem with using our flashlights was they were also attracted by light. In the middle of night I couldn’t sleep because the constant reminder of my incident with my deceased family, suddenly! I hear a groan of a zombie so I alerted my gang they got ready in an instant then we went out to find us surrounded by zombies we might not make it out alive this was the wrong gravestone...
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