
Monday, 9 September 2013


This rumour going on about mathematics being a waste of time is an act only a 5 year old would even think about of saying and doing. In my perspective the person whoever thought of this absolute senselessness might’ve had Dyscalculia. Dyscalculia means having difficulty in learning, like complication in understanding numbers and understanding math facts.

A majority of people would agree that mathematics although sometime complicated is essential for us humans to thrive, for example technology wouldn’t be possible because of the number coding/Fibonacci needed to be understood. If numbers weren’t learned is would lead to putting more hours in simple house chores like laundry and cleaning (vacuuming) the house. Maths and numbers are important if we would want to thrive and have all this technology.

More evidence to prove this is that mathematics is one of the best ways to stimulate your brain, as numbers and challenges given to you has been known to go back to your basics. If mathematics was practiced daily it wouldn’t seem as impossible as people describe it. Mathematics is one of the best ways to stimulate your brain and if practiced daily it wouldn’t be as hard as it seems.

So, to wrap it all up mathematics is not a waste of time because it is needed for us to thrive, stimulate our brain and also to have all things we have right now. Maths contributes to almost everything we do like jobs and house chores. I leave you with this, imagine a world without technology, no cars, no time, no houses and finally no humans...


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