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Title:Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah)
Title:Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah)
The Cobra is any species of venomous snake, a good example would be the King cobra. Although it is called a cobra it is not necessarily from the same family, the King cobra is not the same as the spitting cobra. It has different characteristics meaning its from a different genus. Most cobras belong to the Elapidae family, the majority of them can expand their neck ribs to form a widened hood. Some cobras have really good eyesight which enables them to see 330 feet away (100m).
They can live in different climates but it is mostly found in hot/humid places, making Africa and Asia the perfect place to live. When threatened they raise their neck/hood as a threat display. They move with a sidewinding momentum which helps them maneuver through the terrain with ease but only a third of their body energy is wasted.
The word ‘Cobra’ in Portuguese means ‘snake with hood’ or ‘hooded snake. It also has spectacles or pattern on their hood. It fools predators or prey from behind making it look like they are facing both ways.
It has a wide variety of diet ranging from small animals which included rodents to bigger animals than themselves which include Buffalos. They are carnivorous reptiles meaning they only eat meat. The cobra is also known for eating its own kind. Here is an example of A king cobra eating an Indian Cobra: Click this to see it in action
Cobra’s venom potency is not the highest but one bite from the King cobra can kill an elephant slowly but very painfully. The way it destroys a prey’s body varies but the spitting cobras venom stings the prey’s eyes making them vulnerable to any attack.
Cobras use their stealth and speed but if stealth doesn’t work they go directly for the killing, aiming to get a kill blow in. Once they have injected venom into their prey they ingurgitate their victim eating it whole.
Adult sheds their skins 4-6 times per year but juveniles shed every month once the shedding of skin is finished the cobra has new skin, fangs,eyes and tongue tip. The cobras have to rub their skin on rough surfaces to get the skin to start peeling. They will have bad eyesight for 10 days. Click this to see an example of a cobra shedding it’s skin.
Snakes are fascinating but at the same time dangerous. Some species of cobra are declining due to poaching as the snakeskin is very nice product to use for designs.
Picture ref:http://www.123rf.com
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